News & Events
Latest News
- The HPCSA application is almost there!
The O&M task team has had their final meeting with the Professional Board for Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics and Arts Therapy. The remaining step in the registration process is for the Minister of Health to sign the new regulations, accepting Orientation and Mobility onto the Board. OMASA members will be informed once this has been done and the new registration and grandfathering process begins.
Thank you to Moira Higgerty, Ntungu Mutele and Elizabeth Louw for all your involvement and effort in this process.
Upcoming Events
- We hope to see you at the upcoming OMASA Biennial General Meeting!
Save the 23rd to the 25th August.
We will gather in Joburg, at the premises of the South African Guide Dogs Association, for our regular conference and voting in of the new committee.